Open Circles

Have you heard? There’s an art gallery perched atop Pioneer Place Mall in downtown Portland. It’s called Place Gallery, located on the third floor (Atrium Building) of our own downtown shopping mall. I was happy to discover a common theme between Urban Nest Realty and the current exhibition at the gallery: nests! But these nests aren’t for the birds: the show is a collection of nests fashioned from various consumer materials, including metal clothes hangers, made by members of Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette. The project, which is also in support of Sisters of the Road Café, is called “Open Circles.” It was conceived by installation artist and PNCA assistant professor Horatio Hung-Yan Law, in collaboration with artists Pete McCracken+Crack Press, Sandy Sampson, Anne Greenwood, Sam Nagmay and Alex Hirsch. The nests will be on view until January 13, 2013. After that, it may be too late to convince your bird-watching friends to join you at the mall.


Saviez-vous qu’il existe à Portland une galérie d’art cachée dans un centre commercial? Moi non plus. J’ai rencontré l’autre jour l’artiste portlandais Horatio Hung-Yan Law, qui expose actuellement à la galérie Place, nichée tout en haut du Pioneer Place Mall, en plein centre-ville. Law, qui est professeur d’art à Pacific Northwest College of Art, expose un rassemblement de petits nids d’oiseaux, chacun fabriqué de divers matériels (des cintres en métal, entre autres) par des membres de Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette en collaboration avec le café Sisters of the Road. L’installation, qui fait partie d’un projet conçu par Law en collaboration avec les artistes Pete McCracken+Crack Press, Sandy Sampson, Anne Greenwood, Sam Nagmay et Alex Hirsch, s’appelle “Open Circles” et sera à la galérie Place jusqu’au 13 janvier 2013.


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