Ex Novo Brewing Co. : Better Beer for the Greater Good

Ex Novo translates to "from nothing" - or as the Ex Novo team like to say - "from scratch." 

This grassroots, non-profit brewery (yep, you heard it right - a non-profit brewery!) have just signed the lease for their permanent home on N Flint Ave...just 5 blocks from our N. Williams office, between Emmanuel and Broadway. They will be taking over the Eleek building at the end of February, and we are more than happy to support our local neighbors in business - especially those who are committed to and active in the betterment of our community.

Founder and President, Joel Gregory, and his wife are good friends with our Operations Manager, Keven van Zoen. So needless to say, she is thrilled to have their business as a neighbor! Joel is a longtime home brewer with a keen interest in human rights issues. Ex Novo is a beautiful marriage of his love for brewing, and his heart for social justice.

So way to go Joel, way to go Ex Novo, and way to go Portland for supporting the growth of "Better Beer for the Greater Good".


Sign Of Our Times


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