Interview With a Realtor: Nathaniel Bachelder

Urban Nest Realty: Inspired by People

In this series of short articles, we ask our agents to talk about a recent event or client interaction that was particularly inspiring. Maybe the process went unusually smooth, maybe the obstacles to homeownership were significant or strange, maybe there was a teaching moment that's worth highlighting for future homeowners who can take away a great lesson from another's experience. In this series, our Realtors unpack one of the agency's most important mottos: Urban Nest is truly inspired by people -- here's what that looks like.

Jeff and Didi, On Moving to Portland

“Jeff and Didi are amazing people and I feel so fortunate to have been able to work with them. We came to meet via two referrals – one from an agent in Eugene to a broker in our office, who then referred them to me. They had initially thought about moving to Eugene, and then decided on Portland.

“The couple was moving up from Northern California to plant roots and retire here. I did most of the actual house hunting with Jeff, as he was able to be up here more to search. Jeff is a great guy and we hit it off immediately. It was fun getting to show him different parts of town and to give advice on brewpubs and burgers. He had never owned a house before, and Didi had previously owned a home on the east coast.

“We started looking in the Fall of 2014, and made our first offer on a house in mid-October. It was a super cute house, but ended up needing too much work so we had to walk away during the inspection period. We were working with a tight budget, so we needed something more move-in ready.

“They both came up in early December and we toured some homes and came really close to making an offer, but after mulling it over, there was not enough storage space in the house and it was at the top of their budget, so we didn’t write an offer on that house.

“One day when I arrived to pick them up to go on a property tour, they gave me a can of almond roca. It had come up in conversation that I love it and it was so sweet of them to get it for me. It was a definite bonding moment.

“We took a bit of a break for the holidays then resumed the search. The next offer we made was on the house they ended up owning. We wrote and submitted the offer on Valentine’s Day 2015.”

Getting the Home Purchase Finalized

“There were definitely some things that needed work, and we ended up getting the seller to update the electrical system and to kick in $8,000 towards closing costs. It is a cute house with great curb appeal in a quiet neighborhood in NE Portland.

“After finalizing the purchase of the house, we have remained friends and grown closer. We try to get together for dinner about once a month, and our favorite place to go is Pip’s & Bounce for some ping-pong action.

“Earlier this year, Jeff and Didi got married at the courthouse and they asked me to be one of their witnesses, in addition to a close friend that came up from California. I was honestly stunned and very honored. We ended the evening with dinner and drinks back at their house, along with a few other friends.

“One of my favorite things about my work is being able to meet so many great people and to continue to be friends with them long after a transaction is over. I am so glad that Jeff and Didi came into my life.”

Jeff and Didi Weigh in on the Experience of Buying a PDX Home

“In the spring of 2014, my partner Didi and I decided to buy a house in Portland.  We knew nothing of Portland and were steered to Urban Nest by a Realtor in Eugene, and so began our relationship with Nathaniel in late summer of that year. I had recently retired and Didi was still working, so I became the point person for the house hunt.

“As a first time buyer, I found Nathaniel to be very willing to help me learn the ropes of home buying. He showed great patience as I went through the back-and-forth process of deciding whether or not to bid, how much to offer against the asking price, and how to bargain once an offer was accepted and after the inspection report came in.  

“In the fall of 2014, we offered on one home and then backed out, and offered on a second to no avail. Nathaniel remained upbeat, positive, and professional throughout. I am somewhat “computer challenged,” so Nathaniel went out of his way to help me upgrade my skills of working the listing system, resulting in us finding the right home within hours of being posted.

“As the saying goes, the third time was the charm: Nathaniel’s steady presence and personal touch were of paramount importance in helping Didi and me find the right house for us in April of 2015.

“Above all else, we came to trust Nathaniel as he went about the business of helping us find a home and helping us feel at home in a city new to us, a trust that blossomed into friendship, enough so to have him bear witness to our marriage at the county courthouse this past June 2016. Thanks Nathaniel!”

Learn more about Urban Nest Realtor Nathaniel Bachelder here.

View all of Nathaniel Bachelder's active listings now.



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